Hotaru arrives at the Shikada shop (san Yō) and continues her eccentric and sexually oblivious sweets-related behavior, culminating with her passing out from drinking a non-alcoholic candy beer mix. Kokonotsu later meets with Saya and Hotaru meets up with them while playing with candy that can also function as a whistle. She then spins a tale relating to the snack; Saya believes it is nonsense, but Kokonotsu catches on that it is allegorical and also implies that Hotaru's ditzy antics may not be completely sincere. Saya defuses the situation when she imagines all the sweets she could get for free if Kokonotsu were to succeed the shop. The three then play Menko into the evening as Saya stuns both Kokonotsu and Hotaru with instances of beginner's luck.